Call for evidence – CrVI

Call for evidence – CrVI

Starting from October, a “Restriction Proposal” process was started, through which the European regulation of Hexavalent Chromium (and similar) should change from the current authorization profile to that of restriction (two different cases of limitation to use foreseen by the REACH Regulation).

Beyond the possible considerations regarding which scenarios may occur in the future, it is certainly essential to participate in order to have the opportunity to provide specific data, to ensure that future choices of the technical bodies can be based on real and non-real assumptions. on mainly theoretical hypotheses or reasoning.

Starting from mid-December 2023, a formal and important moment has been established within the restriction proposal, a call for evidence active until 02/13/2023, during which it is possible to provide data and details regarding aspects that are necessary for commissions that are working on the restriction proposal (which will presumably be released in October 2024). This opportunity is foreseen both for users of chromium and for organizations (governmental and non-governmental), trade associations, etc…

This step represents an opportunity for interested parties, such as users, to highlight their characteristics and peculiarities and to make explicit the difficulties that could arise from the request for new operating conditions. We therefore believe it is of fundamental importance to respond and provide your contribution.

The link to access is as follows:

This is a step that can be done in the next two months and which requires the research and provision of some specific data (system segregation costs, considerations regarding methods to reduce professional exposure…) for which it is advisable to adopt a logical criterion shared between the different corporate entities, in order to provide indications that are appropriate between the different subjects.

As START ENGINEERING we are preparing to be able to support you in preparing the answers.